Beyond Failure
Beyond Failure to Reach Success
Beyond Failure: THIS IS [NOT] A TEST...

Beyond Failure: THIS IS [NOT] A TEST...

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Beyond Failure
Beyond Failure to Reach Success
This discovery of truth👀 The journey of the real news that mainstream media is NOT reporting on❓
Beyond Failure to Reach Success brings you the truth that is refused to be told in the matrix of social media. Do you take the red or blue pill, which one will make you shrink into nothing or take an adventure to open up your eyes for a lifetime. Your choice? Listen in.
We offer a unique perspective and uncensored insights into small businesses (mon and pop shops), personal excellence, entrepreneurship, and being the best version of yourself and what it really means to be an American citizen that cares about God, family and country.
Are you tired of the lies, the fakeness, the illusions and the spiteful deceit that the mainstream media feeds you as the ministry of truth(BS)? Join the Beyond Failure podcast as we serve you what is refused to be discussed and talked about in detail as you will join a community of citizens that care..
We'll go over real citizen journalism and the actual pursuit of personal excellence as a duty of being an American citizen of this great country that you choose to live in and the unsung potential that you have.
In addition to discussing important topics, the podcast will feature interviews with inspiring guests that care about the American dream. What's that? Listen in and do your part. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for days, month and years, this show has something to offer you right now with some powerful insights that you will not hear anywhere else. Tune in today! Listen in and hear what I am saying and make your own conclusions with the best version in your mind, body and spirit.
I'm Raymond J. Negron and I operate a small marketing company that works with small to mid-size companies email lists and helps them increase their revenue by caring and building real relationships. So come on, let's go beyond failure together as we earn the learn together on the road to truth!
Beyond Failure Marketing is a unique resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Hosted by an always be learning marketer, the show provides uncensored insights into small business ownership, business building opportunities, entrepreneurship dealings, and the native core of being an American citizenship that commands change in their community by being an influential force by speaking out what's right.
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Raymond J. Negron